Guest Blogging Info

Tired of the rush to finish all those Christmas projects? This is the place to challenge yourself to complete at least one project a month for an entire year. The color of the months are just suggestions; our goal is to just have fun, ease holiday stress, and create! Projects are due at the end of each month. Remember to share your creations with the rest of us with a link to your blog or photo sharing site in the comments.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Snowflakes Dancing on my Tongue

A little something white for your view pleasure
Just because Christmas is over its not too late
or too early to make snowflakes for now 
or next year. What a fun gift they would make
all packaged up in a box.

Here's a few snowflake How-To links:

1 comment:

  1. I love paper cut snowflakes & these are extra special! Thank you!


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